




Art Director — UI/UX

Primary Tool




A powerful analytics tool that enables Google's email marketing managers to gain valuable insights from their email data


Email marketing managers for the Adwords product at Google were running reports to measure the success of all of their many email campaigns. Google came to Epsilon to create a tool to speed up and improve their data analysis capailities.

My Role

I was an art director doing UX and UI for Epsilon. I worked in a small group to deliver this product to Google.


Product Design

Data Viz

Email Marketing

An internal tool that allowed users to see success metrics at a global level all the way down to individual A/B side-by-side comparisons.


An internal tool that allowed its users to explore data pertaining to their email marketing campaigns that allowed them to see which email blasts were doing well and which were falling behind, and to zoom out to the global level, or zoom all the way in to A/B tests of a single email blast. They could do this across major success criteria including Open Rate, Click Rate, and Bounce Rate.


All pertinent success metrics for email campaigns is shown across a time dimension.

Dashboard View

The Dashboard is the initial view for the user in Sampi. It provides a quick overview of the most pertinent data. Filters on the left allow the user to refine their search by product, program, message name, and other factors.


In the calendar section, the user can see a visual heat map to see trends that occur over the course of the month. By using the metric drop-down, the user can heat map any of the five main metrics.

Deployment Detail

When the user clicks on an individual deployment card, she is taken to deployment report, which provides a creative view and more details on the deployment. From here, the user can Export the HTML in all languages, download a PDF, or share the report via email.


Sampi was a huge success within Google. Numerous product beyond Adwords adopted it, and it helped build a relationship between Google and Epsilon.


IBM Plex™ is an international typeface family designed by Paul van der Laan and Pieter van Rosmalen of Bold Monday, with Mike Abbink and IBM BX&D.

The typeface Syne was conceptualized by Bonjour Monde and designed by Lucas Descroix with the help of Arman Mohtadji. 

This site was designed in Figma and built using Framer. It was made by Jordan Rothe in Oakland, California in 2023.